NO! NO!! NO!!!

Lekan Sola
3 min readMay 17, 2021

On December 9, 1938, the state of Georgia executed six black men in eighty-one minutes in Tattnall Prison’s electric chair. The executions were a record for the state that still stands today. The new prison, built with funds from FDR’s New Deal, as well as the fact that the men were tried and executed rather than lynched were thought to be a sign of progress. They were anything but. While those men were arrested, convicted, sentenced, and executed in as little as six weeks, E. D. Rivers, the governor of the state, oversaw a pardon racket for white killers and criminals, allowed the Ku Klux Klan to infiltrate his administration, and bankrupted the state. Race and wealth were all that determined whether or not a man lived or died. There was no progress. There was no justice.

This harrowing true story is one of the Great Depression, the New Deal, and the violent death throes of the Klan, but most of all it is the story of the stunning injustice of these executions and how they have seared distrust of the legal system into the consciousness of people, and it is a story that will forever be a testament to the death penalty’s appalling inequality that continues to plague most nations.

Racism is the prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

Nepotism is a form of favoritism that is granted to relatives in various fields, including business, politics, entertainment, sports, religion, and other activities.

As long as the idea of ‘love’,’ family’ or ‘my people’ exist, there can never be peace or real justice, because people do everything in the name of love, and love they say is blind. A man would do anything to protect and care for his family, a soldier will do anything he can for his country all because of love. A mother will burn the whole world down if that is the only way to save her child, family. The ‘world’ doesn’t necessarily mean the 8 billion people on the planet, to a lot of people it is simply their loved ones (family and friends) because if these people were to stop existing for one reason or another, so will ‘their world’. That feeling of wanting the best for ourselves and our people, the best life, the best jobs, the best cars, the finest things is normal and a default human nature, and that can cloud your judgment, logic, and preference when making rational decisions. A lot of us have fought battles that were not ours without asking questions all because of sentiment towards loved ones even if they are in the wrong. If you ask why Politicians embezzle public funds, why bandits, robbers, and criminals do the things they do, it will always be linked to satisfying or making someone they love comfortable.

I know many people will easily excuse themselves from the crime of racism because if we are all ‘black’ then I can’t be racist. NO! NO!! NO!!! We commit the exact same crime only with a different name. We live in a world where we are judged by the color of our skin first before our cases are even heard. We live in a world where if two different people commit the exact same crime, one will be pardoned because he knows ‘someone somewhere’ while the other won’t. We live in a world where we are asked ‘what state, religion, tribe, societal status do we belong to?‘ before we are given a kind of attention. You might not be racist, but you are equally as bad. So I dare to say Peace Is Not Real, Justice Is A Fantasy.

